This section covers the instructions on managing loggers on the Loggers page in Logmore Cloud.

Search loggers

Start writing logger information in the search box. You can search by logger ID, name, or last scan location.

Sort loggers based on column info

To sort your loggers, you can click column header with an arrow (▲ or ▼) to rank loggers between ascending or descending order.

Filter loggers or Create filter sets

Click 'Filter results' and a pop up will open. You can enter a keyword and/or add conditions from the dropdown menu. When you add multiple conditions, only the loggers are show that satisfy ALL conditions specified. Click 'Apply changes' to be able to see the results.

You can save the filter sets by clicking 'Save filter set', so you can use the same conditions at a later time.

Filter sets you have created can be accessed by clicking 'Filter sets'